
It is recommended that you consult with your eye-care practitioner to ensure the suitability of contact lenses and correct fitting.
Do not use if the blister pack has been punctured or opened prior to first use Contact lenses are never to be shared with others! Please refer to below terms and conditions and guides for use and care. Please email me prior to purchasing if you have any questions. Insertion and Removal Hygiene:
· Hands should be washed and thoroughly rinsed before handling lenses
· A soap which is free of oils, lotions or perfumes is recommended
· Hands should be dried with a lint-free towel
· Use finger tips to handle lens (avoid finger nails and sharp objects)
· Check lens is clean, wet and damage-free
Inserting Your Lenses:
1. Place the wet, clean “right” lens on the tip of the index or middle finger of your dominant hand (if you’re right-handed this would be your right hand), and pull down the lower lid with the middle or ring finger of the same hand. Use your other hand to hold the upper lid firmly open.
2. Look directly at the lens or look directly into a mirror and place the lens directly on the cornea (the large coloured circle in the centre of your eye).
3. Slowly release your hold on the lid. If there are any air bubbles beneath the lens, close your eye, and with the eye closed, roll the eye gently. Another way of getting rid of air bubbles is to massage the lids very lightly.
Under no condition, however, should your rub your eyes. Removal of the lens: Look up. With middle finger, hold down lower lid. Use forefinger to slide lens to lower part of eye.
Pinch lens with thumb and forefinger and remove without excessively folding the lens. Using Makeup with lens: Being a contact lens wearer does not mean giving up wearing eye make-up.
Make-up should be applied after lens insertion. Lenses should be removed before removing make-up A fast-drying, fibre free mascara is recommended Eye shadow in cream form or as a compact powder has been shown to be the best type for lens wearers Liquid eye-liner can lead to some tinting of soft contact lenses Eye-colour pencil should not be applied directly on edge of lower eyelid better to apply on edge of lower eyelash For removal of eye make-up, it is best to use a rich eye make-up remover or water-soluble cleaning emulsions Hand creams, sunscreens and nail polish remover should not be allowed to come into direct contact with the lenses; they can penetrate the lens Care should be used when applying deodorant spray, hair spray, perfume, etc.
Aerosols should be avoided when lens case or lens care bottles are standing open. Eyes should be closed when spraying!
Prior to Fitting:
Contamination from cosmetics should be treated with contact lens cleaning solutions only Self-care Ways to use contact lenses and keep your eyes healthy include:
• Have your eyes and contact lenses regularly checked by your optometrist
• Wash, rinse and dry your hands well before handling your lenses
• Follow the ‘wear schedule’ and ‘replacement schedule’ recommended by your optometrist • Clean and disinfect your lenses using the lens care products recommended by your optometrist. Follow the directions that come with your lenses and lens care products
• Always use fresh contact lens solutions and sterile water or saline. Contact lens solution must be changed regularly, even if the lenses are not used daily
• Store your lenses in a proper storage case and rinse and dry the case after each use. Clean it thoroughly once a week. Replace your storage case regularly, at least every 3 months
• Ask an optometrist for advice before swimming or bathing while wearing contact lenses
• Use lens wetting solutions and drops to improve the comfort of your lenses in air conditioned and other dry environments. Lubricating eye drops can relieve dry eyes. Only use eye drops that are approved for use with contact lenses
• Don’t instill medicated eye drops while wearing contact lenses. Ask an optometrist for advice
• Don’t use tap water, bottled water or home-made saline solutions on contact lenses or the lens case
• Don’t put contact lenses in your mouth or moisten them with saliva
• Don’t share contact lenses with others
• Don’t smoke. Smoking can increase the risk of corneal infection.
IMPORTANT: Stop using your contact lenses and consult a doctor or optometrist promptly if you have: – Eye discomfort or pain – Continuous excess tear production – Eye redness – Sensitivity to light – Itching, burning, or gritty feelings in an eye – Blurred vision – Swelling in or around the eyes – Discharge from an eye. If an eye is injured while wearing a contact lenses, the lens should be removed by a trained health professional.
• NEVER sleep with your contact lenses in unless your optometrist has specifically advised that you can. Sleeping in the wrong type of lenses can cut off the oxygen supply to your cornea, causing severe inflammation and possibly permanent damage.
Terms and Conditions ·
Please read these terms and conditions before proceeding services or to the checkout.
· Please do not purchase if you do not agree with any of the conditions below.
· The customer agrees that we will not be liable for any loss of profits or incidental, indirect, special, and consequential or punitive damages of whatsoever kind arising from the purchased services or items in the terms of this agreement.
· We cannot be held responsible for any damage’s or loss of the item after it has been posted. We are unable to refund costs for any reason.
· We do not accept refunds/returns.
· You acknowledge and agree that it is your sole responsibility to ensure that you are fully informed of, and understand any and all risks associated with the services or item purchased.
· By continuing the transaction; I confirm I have read and agreed to all the terms and conditions as above.